Adult Education - GED and ESL

Adult Education - GED and ESL Background Pic

GED and/or Basic Skills Education

Earning an Arkansas High School diploma by successfully passing the GED Test can be the first step in reaching both career and educational goals. Watch a video about one of UACCB's GED graduates HERE!

GED Transcript Request for GED Graduates

GED transcripts are issued by the GED Testing Office in Little Rock.  Initial transcripts are provided free of charge, but a written request is required.  Click on this link for transcript request information.

Eligibility for Enrollment

  • Age 16 or 17 year old students must have the necessary documentation from their local high school to enroll. Contact our office for more information.
  • 18 years and older may enroll if not currently enrolled in high school.
  • Resident of Arkansas.
  • Enrollment Process
    • Students should call or email the Adult Education office to schedule an intake or orientation session.
    • Student will be given the Test of Adult Education (TABE) to determine their skill levels in reading, language, and math. This is not a pass/fail test. Results are simply used for placement and instructional purposes.
    • An individual plan will be made for the student to complete their goals.

To enroll at the UACCB campus, please call 870-612-2164. To enroll at the Sharp County Adult Education Center please call 870-257-3739.

All classes are offered free to the public. The Adult Education Program will work with students to create a class schedule that fits their work and family schedules because consistent class attendance is crucial for reaching educational goals.


Additional resources to assist Adult Education students are available through partnership with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Education & Training (SNAP E&T). Call the Adult Education office for more information.

UACCB Campus Class Schedule

Monday - Thursday, 8:00am - 1:00pm
Monday - Thursday 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Sharp County Adult Education Center Hours

Monday - Thursday, 8:00am - 1:00pm

Testing Process and Fees

All individuals in Arkansas are required to pass the GED Ready Test (official practice test) to be eligible to take the official GED Test. Students in the Adult Education Program that have demonstrated specific skill levels on the TABE Test may take the GED Ready Test at no cost. Individuals that are not enrolled in Adult Education must pay $6 per subject ($24 total) and take the GED Ready Test at an approved adult education or testing center.

Once GED Ready Test scores are verified, the individual may register for the official GED test at a cost of $4 per subject ($16 total). Adult Education Staff will provide assistance with the registration and testing process.

ESL - Clase de Ingles

Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL) Las clases se ofrecen de forma gratuita a quienes no hablan inglés que quieren aprender a leer, escribir y hablar Inglés. Estas clases sin crédito enseñan las habilidades básicas para la comunicación efectiva en el lugar de trabajo, con personal de la escuela y con la comunidad en general. Las clases de ESL también preparan a los estudiantes que quieran hacer la transición a clases para obtener un diploma de escuela secundaria (preparatoria). Las personas en los Estados Unidos con visas de estudiante no son elegibles para estas clases de ESL. Los estudiantes deben tener al menos 18 años de edad para inscribirse.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes are offered free of charge to non-English speakers that want to learn to communicate in English. These non-credit classes teach basic skills for effective communication in the workplace, with school personnel, and with the community in general. The ESL classes also prepare students that may want to transition into classes for earning a high school diploma. Individuals in the United States on student visas are not eligible for these ESL classes. Students must be at least 18 years old to enroll.

Class Schedule

Morning Classes:

Monday - Thursday, all levels: 8:30am - 12:30pm

Evening Classes

Tuesday and Thursday, all levels: 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Horario de Clases

Clases de la Mañana

Lunes hasta jueves, Todos Niveles 8:30am - 12:30pm

Clases de la Noche

Los martes y los jueves, Todos Niveles 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Important Info

Independence County Community Resources
Sharp County Community Resources

UACCB's Adult Education Division offers a wide variety of courses including GED classes and testing and ESL classes, as well as basic skills refresher courses for those who already have their high school diploma.

For more information about GED Classes and Testing, contact the Adult Education Department at (870) 612-2164 (Batesville); (870) 257-3739 (Highland); toll free (800) 508-7878 or email

For more information about ESL classes, contact the Adult Education Department at (870) 612-2164, email or visit the campus at 2005 White Drive, Batesville.

Para obtener más información sobre las clases de inglés como segundo idioma, comuníquese con el Departamento de Educación de Adultos en (870) 612-2164 (ingles), email  o visitar el campus en 2005 White Drive, Batesville.

Contact Info

Adult Education

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